To use ProfitHunter features like the ASIN Scanner you will need to connect ProfitHunter to your Amazon Seller Central Account. This is a fairly simple process and we detail it below.
There are two simple requirements for connecting ProfitHunter to your Amazon Selling Account. To connect ProfitHunter (or any other 3rd party apps) to your Seller Central Account, you must have a Professional Selling Plan. You also must have a selling account account in the North American marketplaces (US, CA, and/or MX).
After you've selected a plan and opened your ProfitHunter account, you can connect
ProfitHunter to Seller Central by following 3 easy steps.
Step 1: Select "Profile" in the top right corner of the screen when you are logged into ProfitHunter.
Step 2: Select Login With Amazon to be redirected to your Amazon Account (if you are not already logged into Seller Central, you will need to login)
Step 3: Select the check box to allow ProfitHunter to access your Seller Account and click "Confirm." You will then be redirected back to ProfitHunter where you should see that your ProfitHunter account is now connected to your Seller Account.
Common Issues/Troubleshooting
Problem: Error After Logging Into Seller Central
Solution: Make sure you have a Professional Selling Plan (not an individual selling plan) and that you have a North American Marketplace (US, CA, or MX) selected from the Marketplace dropdown at the top of seller central.
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